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 Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS

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4 participants


Messages : 200
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2009
Age : 33
Localisation : Drummondville

Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Empty
MessageSujet: Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS   Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Icon_minitimeVen 29 Mai - 15:10

Bonjour les boys!!
Mon chum de gars a mit un AEM EMS dans sa S2K et sa petite barre de de température ne fonctionne plus!!
J'ai déja entendu dire qu'il y avait quelque chose qui coutait environ 100$ pour quelle refonctionne
Réponder moi vite svp
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Messages : 834
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2007
Age : 40
Localisation : 9000rpm

Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS   Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Icon_minitimeVen 29 Mai - 15:15

K pro FTW! Razz

Ce n est pas la premiere fois que j entend ceci mais je n etais pas au courant qu il y avait quelque chose pour y remédier.
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Messages : 472
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2007
Age : 40
Localisation : st-georges

Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS   Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Icon_minitimeVen 29 Mai - 19:36


AEM EMS users - Fix your temp gauge!

Otherwise known as the "ECT Display Driver", this product is a custom solution for S2000 owners who are using the after-market AEM EMS computer. The EMS is not compatible with the stock Engine Coolant Temperature gauge, so EMS users lose the use of the dash temp gauge. This module adds back that functionality, along with the ability to customize the temperature range of the gauge. You can actually assign specific temperatures to each gauge "bar" by loading a special text file from your PC to the module, or use it "out of the box" with the default programming.

What's an "ECT Display Driver"? (ECT stands for Engine Coolant Temperature)

Think of it as the "brains" behind the temperature gauge. This product changes the way the factory Engine Coolant Temperature gauge operates by programming each "gauge bar" to light at a specific temperature. I designed it for owners using the AEM EMS because the AEM doesn't support the factory temperature gauge, but owners using the stock ECM may find it useful as well.

Why would I want one?

Obviously, if you have an AEM EMS and want the stock temp gauge to work again, this mod is for you. But owners running the factory ECM may want to use this module to get more information out of the factory temperature gauge. The stock gauge shows the famous "3 bars" for any temperature between 160°F and 235°F, which is a disgustingly wide range. That's fine for owners who only want to know if the engine is about to have a melt-down, but some owners may want earlier warning of a cooling problem. And unless you already have a separate coolant temperature gauge this mod is a "must have" for those of us who drive our cars on the track or in competition.

Feature Summary
bullet Small module mounts behind driver's foot well panel
bullet Only 4 wires needed for basic operation, 2 more if you opt to use the Alarm Output
bullet Comes pre-programmed to either AEM EMS or stock ECM data (specify when purchasing)
bullet Can be easily re-programmed using a PC equipped with a standard serial port
bullet Provides a separate "Alarm Output" to drive a sounder or indicator light
bullet The Alarm Output can be programmed for any temperature between 160°F and 235°F
bullet LED indicator on the module flashes when unit is operating normally, flash rate is proportional to gauge indication (faster flashing = higher temp and higher gauge reading)
bullet Diagnostic Mode can provide audible and visual indication of every gauge transition, making custom set-ups easy to test and implement

For some really geeky explanations of ECT features, see here
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Messages : 200
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2009
Age : 33
Localisation : Drummondville

Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS   Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Icon_minitimeDim 31 Mai - 9:27

Merci mec!! Very Happy
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jo du filage

jo du filage

Messages : 77
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2009
Age : 41
Localisation : napierville

Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Empty
MessageSujet: modifry ect display   Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Icon_minitimeDim 31 Mai - 12:10

c'est pas super compliquer a programmer
tu peu décider quel température s'applique a chaque bar
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Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS   Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS Icon_minitime

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Temp Gauge avec AEM EMS
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